Home Page

Year 5

Our Class Saints 

St Clare of Assisi and St Jude Thaddeaus

Pray for us







Here you can see what exciting learning is taking place in Year 5 throughout the year. 


We will update you with key dates for your diary and share with you important documents and information regarding Year 5. 


If you have any questions or queries, then please do not hesitate to speak to one of the Year 5 staff members. 


Our Year 5 Teachers

Mary 5: Mrs Alexander 

John 5: Mrs Woodfield and Miss Parry

P.E. Days 

Our P.E. days are Tuesdays and Thursdays. The children should come into school with their full P.E. kit on, we will no longer be getting changed into our kits within school. The children can wear their SS Mary and John jumpers or cardigans over their kits on these days. During winter months’ children are able to wear long black jogging bottoms.



Homework Expectations

·      Homework will be set on Fridays to be handed back at the latest the following Thursday. There will be a maths, reading and SPAG task each week.

·      Spellings will be handed out on Monday and the spelling tests will take place on Thursday. The spellings will also be available on the Purple Mash blog page.

·      Reading diaries should be handed in on Friday to allow time to change reading books in time for Monday. Children are also encouraged to read other books over the weekend as reading is a vital skill.

All children will be given their own TT Rockstars login to access at home to practice in preparation for their weekly times tables test which will take place on Wednesdays.
