Home Page

Year 4

Welcome to Year 4!


Our Class Saints

St Anthony of Padua and St Lucy, pray for us. 

We hope you can use this page to find out any important information, as well as begin to explore some of the work that we hope to do and projects that we have completed in lessons. We are excited to share a wonderful year ahead!


Class Teachers

Mary 4 - Miss Homer and Miss Yearwood

John 4- Ms Benjamin and Mrs Grainger




Homework will be set every week by your child's class teacher. Children will receive Maths and English homework, every Friday through PurpleMash and TT Rockstars. Spellings will be provided to children on Monday morning, which should be learnt in preparation for a test that will take place on Friday. Maths will usually be a revision activity of what had been covered during that week. Homework should be handed in no later than Wednesday, however we encourage children to bring in their homework for Monday.



Every child will go home with their home reading books and diaries, which are expected to be read every night. Parents should sign their child's diary, so that it can be shown to member of staff in the morning. Please note, that if your child finishes their book and has to wait for their book changing day, then they are encouraged to read a book, magazine or newspaper article. You still need to sign to show this. 

Get Epic- Click login - Students - Enter the Class Code: hac9443

Physical Education

Your child will receive 2 lessons of PE each week.

In Year 4, PE lessons are on Wednesday and Friday. Children need to come into school dressed in the correct PE kit which consists of a red jumper, red t-shirt, black shorts/tracksuit and trainers.



Multiplication Practice

This year, Year 4 will be completing a Multiplication Test.

This will test children on their multiplication knowledge up to their 12x tables. Children will have 25 questions and will get up to 6 seconds to complete each question. 

As a result of this, children will need to be quick and fluent when learning their multiplication facts up to 12. Children will be expected to practice their times tables at home, as well as school. 


Below are a list of websites, which will encourage children to learn and test their multiplication facts:

Learning at Home- Spanish

Below are a list of websites that children can use to practice their Spanish speaking, listening, reading and writing:


Year 4- A Guide on How to use Get Epic!

Spellings - Please continue to learn the common exception words!
